Welcome to the Cave of Man...No, Wait, That Sounds Bad
Recent News9/30/24: I swear I'm going to do better from here on out. Good Lord. Two years without a post is criminal.
SO. Updates. I have another book out, The Boddicker Letters, and it's creepy and Lovecrafty and all sorts of fun. Definitely check it out. The Ex has come (and come and come and...sorry) and gone, so no worries there. I'm working on the sequel to Where Blood Runs Gold as well as The 12 Errands of Wolf Lincoln, a San Dios novella, and a few others. Will any of them be finished any time soon? Who knows? If you're still here at ALL, you're a better person than I am and I thank you for your support. ------ 11/29/22: I need to get better about this. Anyway, my novella Zoo came out a week or so ago and it's been getting very good reviews! I'm really excited to see that the book and themes are resonating with people. I hoped they would. More unnerved by The Ex reading it but, hey, eyes are eyes, right? Send Her To Ruin is also in edits as we speak. Hopefully that come out next year. I'll stay more up to date with things as they move along. ------ 9/11/22: Well, we were eliminated from SPFBO, but the review was extremely nice and complimentary, so we're all good! As well, I've written a novella that will hopefully be coming out sometime next month. It's titled Zoo and is an emotional tour through me. I'll post more information when it's available. ------ 6/16/22: So, I'm in SPFBO 8! I entered Where Blood Runs Gold in the contest and now comes the waiting game. Because, as you all know, I am super duper patient and this won't be stressful at all. I also have another interview up in the Media section if you would like to read it! ------ 5/2/22: It's been a while, I know. Things have happened in life and the last couple months have been...rough. I'll get to that in a blog, perhaps one of these days, but I do want to let you know that we have a new section! That's right. I've added a page for links to reviews that we've gotten as well as any media that may result from being an attention whore. Currently, the media is from a reading that I did at Quarancon 2022 but hopefully I get more over time. ------ 1/20/22: We have our first reviews! Rowena over at Beneath a Thousand Skies has a lovely review of WBRG posted today: Book Review: Where Blood Runs Gold – A.C. Cross – Beneath A Thousand Skies And Jonathan Pembroke has a very nice review on Goodreads as well! Now we need more, haha! ------ 1/11/22: Everyone, Where Blood Runs Gold is now available for purchase and reading at Amazon in BOTH eBook and paperback! I'm incredibly proud of this one and hope that you enjoy it as much as I do. Amazon ------ 12/8/21: Let's hit the big news hard! My fourth book is now available for preorder at Amazon! Where Blood Runs Gold comes out on January 11 of 2022 and I cannot wait for you all to read it! My editor, Sarah, has the cover reveal and a chapter here for you to look over if you like: Cover Art Reveal | Where Blood Runs Gold – A.C. Cross – Bookworm Blues I'll also be putting a book link under Book Details if you want to get your hands on it. ------ 3/31/21: Well, this has been a hell of a year, hasn't it? Here's the deal: I'm still looking for work but I really want to make a go of this whole writing thing so I'm going to try to update here more frequently and try to actually write instead of cry into a chocolate babka every night about how I suck. I'll get there. ------ 9/25/20: Alright, so some more updates here. 1. I'm gotten another book written! It's a serious weird Western that still has no dang title yet, but is being edited as we speak. I also am hard at work on the sequel because I have nothing else in my life right now. 2. I've also had a couple interviews recently! This one by Sarah Chorn (my editor) came out just this morning: Bookworm Blues. And this one with Esme Weatherwax, a titan in the blogging community, came out a couple weeks ago: Esme You should definitely read and follow both of them because they are spectacular people. ----- 6/24/20: It's been two years since I've said anything, so I should probably give an update. I've earned my doctorate so I'm now Dr. Cross (which turns out doesn't mean a whole lot) and I'm continuing to write, although my current WIP isn't funny. There's also this little thing called COVID-19 that has essentially broken the world so if you're here in the future...remember that? Hopefully I should have another update for an interview soon. ----- 6/21/18: So, some more big news for you. Robocopter Ski Patrol has officially been entered into and accepted for consideration in the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off or SPFBO for short. In the fantasy world, it's kind of a big deal. I'm excited to be in the competition and to get some new eyes on my work. If you've found this site through SPFBO, welcome! Feel free to walk around the site, take in everything, maybe buy a book or two or three. No pressure! Just enjoy. ----- 4/6/18: A couple authorial notes for you (yeah, yeah, I know it's been a while)! First, a couple interviews that I've done for you to catch up on. Here's one from The Indie View and here is one from Allan Bishop and Seagull Bomb Reviews. Go ahead and check them out and give them some love! Secondly, I'm now part of a writing guild! After making buddies with some talented and funny fantasy writers, they got suckered in enough to give me a spot as a founding member in a speculative fiction comedy group. You can find us at The Independent Guild of Fools. Big things are happening. Big. Things. ----- After over 82,000 words and 351 pages, Ruben's Cube Alaska: Bullet Point 2: Judgment Day: This Time It's Real is complete! It still has the editing process to go through and a few other fixes to put in, but the story itself is finally finished! ----- An update! Here are the current word-counts for the multitude of books in the queue, just so you're aware: RCA: 56,297 AR: 9,168 SVV: 4,716 TIW: 6,309 PBW: 354 TMKU: 3,065 [R] (noir possibly unconnected to RoboVerse): 11,823 (untitled fantasy unconnected to RV): 8,173 For a total of 100,905 words currently in progress. That's not even counting reworking Glowpants, re-editing and formatting Robocopter, and, you know, going for my doctorate which are words I'm not including here. So work is being done! I just need to start finishing things at this point. ----- The newest book is currently in progress. Stay tuned for further updates, hopefully sooner than later. ----- The website is live! The website is live! Save yourselves! Women and children first...also dudes. There's plenty of space on this ship. |
![]() Let me explain me this way: if you took the humor of Mel Brooks, the South Park guys, and the team behind Archer, mixed it with slightly more scotch and beer than is probably healthy, added in some Doctor Who time and reality crazy, tossed in a pinch of great facial hair, and baked the whole thing in the oven for over 30 years, you'd have a nasty mess of a loaf of bread. You'd also be pretty close to me.