Your Guide To My Work
Hello there, stranger! Looking for my books, are we? Well, I decided to make it easier for you to find exactly what you're searching for, given how varied my books are. So! If you look under Book Details, each universe has its own page for you to peruse at your leisure.
Looking for wacky, trippy, and funny? Go to Roboverse!
Looking for gritty Wild West with a twist of horror? Travel to San Dios!
Looking for dark, violent, grimy noir? Head to Thorn City!
Looking for other things I've written, such as a deeply emotional novella! Look at Other Books!
My world is your oyster and I'm your pearl.
No, wait, that's dumb. Don't read that part! I need to regain my dignity.
Looking for wacky, trippy, and funny? Go to Roboverse!
Looking for gritty Wild West with a twist of horror? Travel to San Dios!
Looking for dark, violent, grimy noir? Head to Thorn City!
Looking for other things I've written, such as a deeply emotional novella! Look at Other Books!
My world is your oyster and I'm your pearl.
No, wait, that's dumb. Don't read that part! I need to regain my dignity.